Healing and Hope: A Documentary with Survivors in UAE

One of the hardest things about working on a project about Breast Cancer in Lebanon is that people seldom want to talk about it. They don’t want anyone to know about it. They don’t want anyone to see them. It’s something one must suffer in silence and pray for the best. Women that went through it, want to forget they did with a fear that mentioning it might bring this vicious enemy back into their lives. This makes it even more difficult for the patient to recover normally due to all the stress of keeping it secret and isolation. This is not healthy both for the patient and society.

One Wig Stand will keep trying to lift the taboo about talking about cancer, gently but surely. How else will things begin to change here?

Check out this inspirational documentary “Healing and Hope” about Breast Cancer survivors in the UAE. This is a wonderful step in the right direction that reveals that more women in the Middle East are ready to open up about their very personal (and no doubt, very difficult) experiences. Watch both parts below (Arabic with English subtitles):

Hope the videos shed some much-needed insight on treatment options in the region, the importance of getting checked early and “give a spark of hope” as one of the women interviewed says at the end.